
Showing posts from April, 2018

April 13-16, 2018 - Exploring Rome and a Visit from Holly & Tim

 Two weeks ago we did a little exploration of a part of Rome we had not yet visited, EUR.  Wikipedia describes EUR as follows: EUR  is a residential and business district in  Rome , Italy, located south of the city centre. The area was originally chosen in 1930s as the site for the  1942 world's fair  which  Benito Mussolini  planned to open to celebrate twenty years of  Fascism , the letters EUR standing for  Esposizione Universale Roma . The project was originally called  E42  after the year in which the exhibition was planned to be held. EUR was also designed to direct the expansion of the city towards the south-west and the sea, and to be a new city centre for Rome. [1]  The planned exhibition never took place due to  World War II . We found EUR to be quite different from other neighborhoods we have visited in Rome.  Its man-made lake, fountains, and landscaping are beautiful, and more "kept" than other...