June 17, 2018 - The Area Around Our House and Public Walkways & Bridleways
England has thousands of miles of public walkways and bridleways. These are paths that criss-cross the farms, forests, and fields throughout the country. It is one of the things we love most about England. Some are highly used, and others are almost never used, but it is a beautiful way to see the country. We have thoroughly enjoyed exploring some of the many trails around our house. They are typically marked with a sign, like those pictured below, and sometimes with a gate. Often without the sign, you would never see the stile, hidden in the vegetation, that leads to the walkway.
The entrance to the Public Footpath shown above leads to the field pictured below. The only thing that shows you where the footpath goes is if the grass is matted down. It helps to have advice from locals or maps to find some of these. Some of the more popular trails are occasionally mowed, or they would be swallowed up by the aggressive greenery. We are not sure who does the mowing and caring for them, but find that it has been done. We also notice that the roads get their edges and hedges trimmed by someone (endless miles of them), and swept, as well.
The rest of the pictures in this post show the footpaths and bridleways that we walk from our house.
This mansion would certainly rather not have the footpath skirting their property, but legally they are required to keep it open.
Notice that the footpath goes right through this farm field. The farmer must till the path to keep it clear.
It is a truly beautiful place to be, and we love it! Mark has been in heaven in terms of running routes. He will post about that later.
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